Wandz.ai’s Predictive AI platform collects in-session data from online visitors to build and run real-time models, accurately forecasting future actions and behaviors.

Predict the Intent Affinity Conversion Subscription Retention LTV
of Any Visitor With
Real-Time AI Technology

Wandz.ai Technology is Trusted By

Boost Your Customer Experience By Embedding Predictive AI Technology

Real-time personalization is crucial for delivering the best experience, as not all customers are alike. They come with varying intents, behaviors, and levels of urgency when making transactions. Wandz.ai provides real-time data to build the next generation of your customer journey.

Leverage pre-built models trained on 1.5 Billion journeys globally

No data? No problem. Start with ready-made predictive models trained on 1.5BN anonymized data points, and augment with your own.

Predict the behavior of ALL your visitors

Anticipate the intent of everyone, including those who haven’t logged in or have no history.

Real-time predictions, accessible in milliseconds

Get the data you need to take action during the same session or pageview.

A flexible tool to build any model you want

Customize templates and create your own models that predict ANYTHING about your visitors.

Make predictions that move the needle.

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Create an adaptive AI model with just a few clicks

Choose from dozens of pre-built templates to forecast visitors’ intent, or craft your own predictions from the ground up, leveraging live user data and extensive historical journeys.

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Flexible framework for training.
No code needed.

Choose your quality score metric, such as precision, recall, accuracy, or F1. Define the audience for training and training time frame. Instantly see training results against your historical data.

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Publish as many models as you want and take action in real-time.

Leverage Wandz.ai’s robust cloud-based infrastructure to run multiple models simultaneously, allowing them to compete and deliver optimal results to achieve your desired goals.

See value in minutes. No custom coding. No privacy risks

One-step deployment using any tag management tool

Integrates with leading CDPs and web analytics tools

GDPR and CCPA compliant

See Predictive AI Insights Today